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Home Diseases Gynecology and obstetrics Amenorrhea


Specialization: Gynecology and obstetrics

Amenorrhea Diagnosis and Treatment

Definition of amenorrhea

Amenorrhea – condition characterized by the menstruation absence for a certain period or on an ongoing basis. Abnormal modifications in functioning of a woman’s reproductive organs can provoke amenorrhea.

Amenorrhea isn’t always dangerous. During or before puberty, this condition is natural. If the menstruation absence isn’t grounded by natural factors and lasts 3+ months, a doctor’s consultation is necessary.

This condition is classified as follows:

  • primary – first menstruation is absent within 5 years after puberty onset (approximately 15 years-old);
  • secondary amenorrhea – menses were stable, but absent for 3 months, or were irregular and absent for 6 months.

Amenorrhea causes

Amenorrhea is provoked by the following.

  1. Ovaries illnesses, laid down at genetic level.
  2. Hypothalamic amenorrhea – hormonal disorders caused by diseases or defects in pituitary gland and hypothalamus.
  3. Absence of reproductive system organs.

Non-pathological amenorrhea appears for the following reasons:

  • menstruation lack while breastfeeding;
  • menopause;
  • taking contraceptives;
  • spirals installed in the uterus;
  • chemotherapy courses in the cancerous tumors cure;
  • surgical interventions on the uterus provoking scarring.

Secondary amenorrhea can also appear because of:

  • hard stress or psycho-emotional shock;
  • poor food quality and unbalanced nutrition;
  • sudden weight gain or loss;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • chronic illnesses.

Menstruation also stops completely after the uterus or ovaries removal if they are affected by any pathologies.

Amenorrhea symptoms

Basic amenorrhea symptom is its direct nature – menstrual flow absence. General symptomatology depends on concomitant factors. Women feel the following.

  1. Heat waves throughout the organism.
  2. Milk secretion from nipples.
  3. Aridity in the vagina.
  4. Strong headaches.
  5. Changes in sense perception and reactions to certain events.
  6. Eruptions appear on the face – acne.
  7. Face and body hair begins growing at an abnormal pace; their density increases.

Amenorrhea diagnosis

Diagnostic methods used for amenorrhea depend on general symptomatology. Particularly, the following are used to detect this condition.

  1. Blood test – hormonal level checking, determining adrenal and thyroid glands pathologies.
  2. Family history studying to identify genetic predisposition.
  3. If hypothalamus or pituitary gland pathologies are suspected, the doctor prescribes an MRI.

Amenorrhea treatment methods

If this condition appears in menopause, amenorrhea treatment isn’t required. If it’s pathological in nature, cure may be as follows.

  1. Condition is triggered by overweighting – a balanced diet and exercise.
  2. With extreme weight loss, an individual nutrition plan is prescribed.
  3. Restoring a calm environment and eliminating stress.
  4. Therapy with meds for hormonal disruptions.
  5. Surgery.

Symptom relief includes the following:

  • estrogens, helping eliminate vaginal dryness and hot bursts;
  • inclusion supplements containing calcium, helping strengthen bone tissue.

Surgery is mandatory if there are tumors or uterus scarring.

Woman self-care in amenorrhea

It’s necessary to include calcium-rich foods, as this condition is detrimental to bone health. Additionally, it’s necessary to moderate physical activities, balance it and carefully organize training programs. Changes in general condition and well-being should also be recorded.