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Specialization: Hepatology
Viral hepatitis is provoked by a virus, when it enters the organism and provokes inflammation in the liver. This ailment is transmissible. It can manifest itself chronically or acutely. It has from A to E types.
Persons may get A-hepatitis in fecal-oral way: if he/she drinks water or consumes meals contaminated with feces having infection. It may be also transmitted sexually.
B-hepatitis has next-mentioned transmission:
D-hepatitis can enter body in next-mentioned cases:
Last-mentioned type may be obtained only if a patient already has B-type.
E-hepatitis transmission is possible via water or meals consumed. In particular, this form of the disease can be contracted from pork, shellfish or venison, cooked improperly.
High risks are present in next-mentioned situations:
Physicians conduct a general examination. Patients are also asked to take blood tests to detect ailment causes.
Therapy success depends on the stage of ailment development and its manifestation.