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Home News Science Intraoperative MRI

Intraoperative MRI

July 22, 2022
Интраоперационная МРТ

In recent years, the quality of diagnostics has improved significantly, which was facilitated by the advancement of scientists in the field of innovative technologies. In particular, special attention has always been paid to the diagnosis of brain pathologies – dangerous and complex diseases that require an integrated approach in their study. One of the latest developments in the medical field – intraoperative MRI – has given doctors the ability to visualize the process of the operation, obtaining high-quality images of the operated area, which made it possible to ensure greater accuracy.

With the introduction of intraoperative MRI, the risk of damage to healthy tissues has been significantly reduced. Surgeons, in turn, can now adjust the tactics and organization of surgical intervention for resection of formations in the brain. To maximize the degree of accuracy of manipulations during surgery, a special contrast agent is used, which highlights the limits of tumor spread on the image. With the naked eye, it is impossible to distinguish these structures from the tissues that surround them.

Real-time MR images help to ensure correct navigation during surgery. Thus, the doctor safely reaches the tumor, avoiding exposure to other tissues, which reduces the risk of complications.

Benefits of implementing intra-operative MR in practice

The use of innovative medical equipment, in particular, iMRI, gives specialists the opportunity to perform the most complex surgical interventions to remove brain tumors. Among the advantages of the introduction of intraoperative MRI, the following can be distinguished.

  1. Determining the location of the tumor and its boundaries.
  2. Elimination of errors in diagnosis – the highest accuracy in scanning.
  3. Minimal trauma to surrounding structures.
  4. Reducing the risk and degree of complications that may occur after surgery.
  5. Ability to minimize the risk of neurological deficits.
  6. Reducing the risk of bleeding in the brain.
  7. Expanded optionality of the visualization system – during the operation, doctors can fully control the patient’s condition and record the body’s reactions.
  8. Improving the efficiency of surgical intervention, in particular, due to the fact that the structures of the brain that are important in their functionality and its healthy tissues remain intact.
  9. The likelihood of re-intervention is reduced.

Intraoperative MRI in neurosurgery: in which clinical cases is intraoperative MRI indicated?

Operations performed on blood vessels and the brain involve the use of neuronavigation systems to increase the efficiency of the result and improve the quality of life of patients. The use of this development is shown in the following cases.

  1. Removal of cerebrum tumors and metastases.
  2. Resection of formations of a benign nature, the development and growth of which can lead to disruption of the work of vital elements.
  3. Removal of hematomas inside the cerebrum.
  4. With strokes, hydrocephalus and epilepsy.
  5. Diseases affecting the arteries of the cerebrum.
  6. Vascular deformities.
  7. Anomalies of the base of the skull.

After the intraoperative MRI brain surgery, using this device again, the surgeon can make sure that the formation was completely removed, and the important physiological centers of the brain remained unaffected. In addition, specialists receive the necessary information regarding the behavior of cells surrounding the site of tumor localization. This helps prevent possible metastasis and return of the disease.

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