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Home News Science Walking simulator Lokomat

Walking simulator Lokomat

July 10, 2022
Walking Simulator Lokomat

Lokomat – a mechanized simulator that helps restore the functionality and skills of the musculoskeletal system if they have been lost as a result of a serious illness or injury. The device is used in parallel with the treadmill. The process of regaining the ability to move with a trainer takes a lot of time, and Lokomat helps the body “remember” lost skills, so body’s recovery is much faster and more efficient.

Robotic rehabilitation process with Lokomat

This treatment technique helps to restore or improve motor ability in patients who have had a stroke, spine or  brain injury. Robotic rehabilitation helps people who have undergone a hip or knee replacement, as well as those who have suffered from ligament injuries and have lost the ability to move freely.

How does Lokomat work?

Lokomat machine consists of 2 main parts.

  1. The suspension system holds the patient, and at this time his legs are tied to the Lokomat with special external straps. Based on the results of the diagnostics, the doctor, having the necessary parameters and indications, adjusts the device in accordance with the patient’s body and needs. The patient is placed in the Lokomat and fixed there with the help of special suspensions. Next, the ratio of the patient’s participation in walking, his personal efforts and the functions of the robot is evaluated.
  2. The second part of the device are the engines controlled by the computer. The components of the device are attached with ribbons to the legs of a person, taking into account the points where the hip and knee joints are located. When exercising, the legs function like standard walking. Built-in sensors monitor whole activity and show data on the body’s response to motions on screens. Using the image, the specialist evaluates the recovery process and the complexity of the training for the patient. In the process of training, the activity of the joints of the legs is necessarily controlled. Special orthoses guide people’s legs and mimic natural steps.

How does Lokomat therapy help restore previous skills?

It’s necessary to restore movement functions in a short time so that a person does not completely lose the ability to walk and problems associated with a motionless lifestyle do not form. If the walking skill is lost due to a stroke, brain injury and other pathologies of the nervous system, the muscles do not receive signals. If the problem was formed because of orthopedic trauma, muscles cannot respond normally to the signals that cerebrum gives. Robotic rehabilitation therapy helps restoring the functions of the nervous system and the flow of these signals, synchronizing brain activity.

For example, for patients with problems in cerebrum and spinal areas, Lokomat helps renew the reflex arc between spinal and legs, enabling cord sections to remember information on how to start moving again and maintain this process, stimulating nervous reactions. Thanks to the launch of the reorganization and adaptive function of the brain with the help of sensory stimulation of the legs with Lokomat, the duties of damaged cells responsible for walking are taken over by other brain cells.

Advantages of Lokomat as innovative device for muscle rehab

Lokomat gait training helps to strengthen muscles and normalize blood flow in the legs in patients who have lost the ability to move independently. After therapy, the bones become stronger, which reduces the risk of bone loss and fractures. Using the robot in the early stages of the disease prevents pressure sores, atherosclerosis, and joint stiffness.

The effectiveness of therapy on Lokomat has been proven

Automated locomotion therapy helps to achieve excellent results. When prescribing treatment, it is important to undergo at least 10 procedures on apparatus for 30-40 minutes. Therapy is effective in combination with other types of procedures – exercise therapy, massage, physiotherapy, etc.

For whom is this type of rehabilitation indicated?

Lokomat is indicated for patients who have the following diagnoses.

  1. Robotics in stroke rehabilitation.
  2. Paralysis of spinal sections of cervical and lumbar spine.
  3. Cerebrum damage.
  4. Parkinson’s disease.
  5. Multiple sclerosis.
  6. Prosthetics of the hip and knee joints.
  7. Pathologies of the anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments and recovery after surgery on them.

For Lokomat usage, it’s mandatory the person has at least partial sensory and motor skills in at least one major leg muscle group.

Contraindications to treatment

  1. Weight more than 130 kilograms.
  2. Height is over 1.95 meters.
  3. Age up to 11 years.
  4. Severe asymmetry in the length of the lower extremities.
  5. Complex type of osteoporosis.
  6. Severe curvature of the spine.
  7. Ununited leg fractures.
  8. Tumors.
  9. Too conflicting behavior.
  10. Epilepsy.

How can you get therapy?

As in other physiotherapeutic procedures, before rehab starts with Lokomat, it is necessary to undergo a diagnosis by a physiotherapist-rehabilitologist, and based on the results of the tests, the doctor will draw up a personal training program and indicate the period of therapy.

Lokomat price

In Switzerland, Lokomat robotic gait assisted walking is really expensive – from 2 thousand euros for 1 procedure. In Israel, treatment will cost from $ 1,700 per session, in Germany – from 1,600 euros, in Spain – from 1,500 euros. Therapy is a little cheaper in Turkey – for one session with Lokomat, you will have to pay from 1 thousand dollars



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