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Home News Science What is the survival rate of patients with cervical cancer at different stages?

What is the survival rate of patients with cervical cancer at different stages?

July 12, 2023

The impact of cervical cancer cannot be ignored. As for the IARC`s findings from 2020, a staggering number of women—604,000—obtained a diagnosis of this devastating disease. Out of those diagnoses, approx. 341,000 proved fatal. This type of cancer tends to affect females primarily aged between 30 and 65 years old, with a medium age at diagnosis being around fifty years old. It is worth noting that this condition rarely manifests in young girls under the age of twenty or older females. A remarkable statistic shows that nearly nine out of ten cases are attributed to HPV infection. Timely detection is an essential factor contributing to higher successful cure rates. Read on to find out the stage 4 cervical cancer survival rate.

Stage 0

This phase refers to the presence of changes in the cells covering the neck of the womb. At this period, the disease has not yet invaded deeper layers. Survival rates for stage 0 are high, with approx. 93% of individuals surviving for at least five years after getting their diagnoses. This encouraging statistic is primarily due to the early diagnosing of these abnormalities through regular screenings such as Pap smears.

It is crucial to note that even though survival rates may be high at stage 0, the condition can progress if left uncured. Thus, attending regular screenings and promptly seeking medical advice are crucial to detecting any cervical changes and preventing the advancement of the condition.

Stage 1

This refers to the earliest stage of the serious condition, where the cancerous cells are confined to the cervix and have not grown to further areas. Generally, the likelihood of efficient cure is quite high. In accordance with the ACS, the RSR with stage 1A carcinoma is approx. 93%, while for stage 1B it is approx. 80%. It’s crucial to note that these rates are statistical averages and may not reflect an individual’s specific situation. Therapy options and outcomes can vary greatly subject to a person’s unique circumstances. It is always recommended to consult with specialists who can provide personalized data and guidance grounded on your specific case.

Stage 2

This is characterized by growing malignant cells beyond the cervix to close areas. The malignant cells are still limited in pelvic area, without any distant metastasis. Studies indicate that the RSR for stage 2 is around 63% to 68%. However, it’s essential to note that these rates are statistical averages and should not be considered as an individual prognosis.

Early diagnosing plays a crucial role in improving the chances of survival. Regular screening tests, such as Pap tests and HPV testing, can help detect suspicious elements in the cervix before they develop into cancer. If changes are found, further testings, such as a biopsy, can confirm the presence of cancerous condition.

Stage 3

Stage 3 means that the carcinoma has grown to the bottom of the vulva and blocked the ureters. Rates for stage 3 are lower than those for stage 2, primarily due to the increased growth of cancerous cells to nearby areas. The RSR for stage 3 ranges from 35% to 45%. However, these numbers can vary subject to individual circumstances.

Stage 4

This phase shows that the cancerous cells have widened beyond the pelvis, involving distant areas. Stage 4 cervical cancer life expectancy with treatment is very low – the RSR for this phase is approx. 15% to 16%. However, as with other stages, individual triggers can significantly influence these rates. Therapy variants for stage 4 are generally focused on palliative cure, aiming to relieve conditions and better the quality of living.


Timely detection plays a crucial role in enhancing the survival rates of diseases. Regular screening tests, such as Pap tests and HPV testing, can help detect changes before they progress into dangerous condition. Diagnosing at earlier stages offer better chances of efficient results, reducing the risk of recurrent condition and improving treatment rates.

It is essential to understand the significance of early diagnosing of any disease. By prioritizing regular tests and promoting awareness, we can contribute to better outcomes and support those affected by this disease in their journey toward recovery and improved quality of life.

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