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Home Diseases Urology and Nephrology Pyelonephritis/Kidney infection

Pyelonephritis/Kidney infection

Specialization: Urology and Nephrology

Causes and Treatments for Pyelonephritis/Kidney Infection

Bacteria presence without excreting with urine and its quick development are pyelonephritis causes. Urinary canal infection harms the upper kidneys structures – manifestation of this pathology. If the illness is identified early, it can be easily eliminated.

Bacterias catalyzing pyelonephritis are responsible for approximately 80% of kidney inflammations. Spreading from reproductive organs, they cause irreparable harm to adjacent structures.

Pyelonephritis causes 

During the normal organs functioning, bacteria are excreted with urine. But, with the pathology defeat, it doesn’t occur. Kidney infection causes increasing infection spreading are as follows.

  1. Anomalies (stents, stones, etc.) stopping normal urine output.
  2. Prostate gland enlargement pressing the urethra.
  3. Urine outflow into the kidneys area.
  4. Immune organs unstable condition.
  5. Pregnancy – uterus expanding puts pressure on ureters and diminishes the urine flow, giving bacteria ability to pass to the kidneys.
  6. Diabetes.

Kidney infection symptoms 

Pathology presence is indicated by several things. If warning signals are heavy, infection has “firmly” nested in the organ.

  1. Unreasonable chill.
  2. Temperature 37.5+.
  3. Groin and lower back ache.
  4. Nausea.
  5. Vomit.
  6. Abdomen muscle cramps.

Frequently met pyelonephritis symptoms are as follows.

  1. Redness on derma.
  2. Pain in the urination process.
  3. High urination frequency.
  4. Inability going to the toilet on urgent occasions.
  5. Feeling unwell.
  6. Urine turbidity; it has a strange tint.
  7. Blood in the urine.
  8. Urine has an unpleasant odor.

Kidney infection diagnosis and treatment

Definition of pyelonephritis is performed through laboratory tests. Urine probes are studied for determination of blood presence, and for detection of bacteria development. Cultivated virus strain sets the cure type.

Pyelonephritis can mostly be liquidated without prior X-rays, except specialists rule out the additional pathology development. If necessary, CT provides a complete canals and organs image – scans without the dye involved. Mostly, kidney ultrasound is sufficient to assess pathology.

Pyelonephritis treatment methods

For this infection, standard antibiotic therapies may be prescribed. Special kidney infection treatment is determined based on bacteria biological class. If therapy is efficient, person’s condition improves after 2-3 days. If not, doctors prescribe additional diagnostics. Many antibiotics courses last 2+ weeks. Certain bacteria types are excreted from the body with great difficulty provoking a disease relapse after therapy termination.

Additionally, bacteria remaining in the kidneys develop medicine resistance. Pathology is more challenging to cure in men – antibiotics courses are prescribed for up to 6 weeks. Patients with cruel disease who have severe aches and dehydration stage receive antibiotics by injection.