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Specialization: Vascular surgery and phlebology

Occurrence and Development of Hemangioma. Treatment Methods

Hemangioma is a vivid red mark forming at birth or during 2-3 weeks of life. Formation takes the little bump form and is fed by additional vessels.

Pathology appears anywhere, but mostly develops on the face or head. Children don’t need therapy for hemangioma, since the formation passes away later. It’s advisable to treat hemangioma if it affects vision, respiratory processes, or others.

Hemangiomas types

In some, hemangiomas may develop in plural. Three main pathology types:

  • superficial: initially they are flat becoming vivid red with a rough surface;
  • deep: bluish-purple slick swellings;
  • mixed: both superficial and deep features.

Pathologies occur within organs. In particular, hemangioma in the liver is prevalently often diagnosed. It’s benignant tumor inside the liver tissue being blood cell clot. Mostly, disease doesn’t manifest itself and doesn’t force uncomfortable feelings.

Hemangiomas formation causes

Hemangioma consists of additional vessels arranged in dense lump. There’s no consensus as to why the vessels stick together. Nevertheless, several specific disease catalysts can be identified.

  1. Sex. Pathologies are more frequently met in girls.
  2. Whites are more disease susceptible.
  3. Premature babies are at high risk of hemangioma suffering.
  4. Genetic predisposition.
  5. Prolonged non-natural substance exposure to skin – if the newborn has other pathologies and from he/she is prescribed additional ultrasound and so on.

Hemangioma symptoms 

The mass develops as flat rosy mark, predominantly occurring on face, scalp, etc. During the 1-3 years of baby’s life, hemangioma becomes spongy in structure, similar to rubber bumps protruding above the skin. Further, pathology goes into a resting stage and gradually disappears.

Many formations pass away by 5, and the bulk – by 10 years. Skin may change color or smooth out after tumor disappears.

Hemangioma diagnosis and treatment

Specialist can identify hemangioma presence by examining the skin. If pathology doesn’t manifest itself, you can resort to ultrasound or MRI. More serious vascular tumors require blood tests, tissue biopsies, genetic testing, or sophisticated imaging techniques such as angiography. Nevertheless, hemangiomas rarely take this form, since they’re not harmful in nature.

Hemangioma treatment is involved if:

  • skin cracks, and open ulcer appears in its place;
  • there are signs of an infectious body illness;
  • disease provokes vision, respiratory mechanism, hearing or eating problems;
  • tumor is too huge or provokes cosmetic defects, for example, face tumors.

Mostly, pathology disappears over time out of therapy. If necessary, clinical cure methods are as follows.

  1. Local exposure meds (rubbed into hemangioma).
  2. Beta-blockers – reducing tumor size and slowing its development.
  3. Antibiotics – in open wounds presence through which an infection can enter organism.
  4. Oral medications. Before taking such drugs, preliminary studies are needed:
    • Propranolol – first-line drug for hemangiomas liquidation;
    • Prednisolone – is used for tumors resistant to other therapy, or if previous medication is prohibited.
  5. Vascular surgery for tumor removing – considered after drug therapy. It may be used to remove “marks” left by hemangiomas.
  6. Laser – defecation of vessels previously fed the removed hemangioma.