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Home Diseases Reproductology Female Infertility

Female Infertility

Specialization: Reproductology

Female Infertility Causes. Is It Possible to Be Treated?

Infertility – inability of a woman’s organism to become pregnant. Reasons for this may be defects in a woman’s reproductive system, problems in a man, partners incompatibility – hormonal mismatch and other factors, which doesn’t create the environment necessary for conception, etc. Doctors continue working on creating the most effective infertility therapy, based on its roots.

Why does infertility occur?

As for female infertility symptoms, mostly, it’s ascertained after more than a year of unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant. In women it’s caused by certain factors or their combined influence.

  • Disturbances in ovulation process. In infertility, ovulation is either absent or occurs on an irregular basis. In turn, failures in the ovulatory processes occur due to improper reproductive hormones production because of problems with pituitary or hypothalamus functioning.
  • Pathologies damaging the ovaries and prevent their work:
    • polycystic ovary syndrome – hormonal imbalance – most frequent cause of infertility;
    • premature ovarian failure – the ovary doesn’t produce eggs, reducing overall estrogen production.
  • Prolactin excess in organisms – it’s triggered by medicinal therapy to treat other pathologies.
  • Fallopian tube damages – the sperm can’t penetrate the egg, or the fertilized egg doesn’t reach the uterus, where the fetus develops:
    • inflammations in pipes;
    • sexually transmitted infections.
  • Endometriosis – growth of inner uterus tissues outside the organ.
  • Benign formations in the uterus.
  • Congenital uterus defects – an unusual shape, absence of any organ part, hereditary cervix defect, etc.

Ability to get pregnant is also affected by excess weight presence – obesity prevents conception, since excess weight doesn’t allow the organs to perform their function properly, putting pressure on them.

Female Infertility diagnosis

When diagnosing infertility, both partners are clinically tested. The doctor prescribes the following tests to the woman:

  • general medical examination;
  • family history check;
  • blood test;
  • laparoscopy – internal examination of the reproductive system;

Ultrasound – detection of the presence of fibroids and other formations.

Female infertility treatment

Infertility, mostly, is treatable. Therapy is prescribed based on what caused it.

  1. Laparoscopy. When diagnosing pathologies damaging fallopian tubes or pelvic structures, an operation is performed to restore them. In the same way, scar tissue, ovarian cysts, etc., are removed – it can also provoke an inability to conceive a child.
  2. Hysteroscopy – polyps and fibrous formations removal in the uterus.
  3. Medical ovulation stimulation. Meds cause the ovaries to produce several eggs per month – hormonal stimulation speeding up conception without changing the natural process.
  4. Intrauterine insemination – sperm is covered with a special chemical solution and then placed in the uterus at ovulation.
  5. IVF – a fertilized embryo is placed in the uterus.

The latter methodology belongs to assisted reproductive developments. It consists in extracting an egg from a woman and fertilizing it with sperm taken from her partner. Operation is performed in a laboratory – the egg stays in a specially created condition until it’s fertilized. Then, the formed embryo is placed in woman’s uterus, gradually taking on natural environment development.

Although the reproductive methods aimed at treating infertility are quite complex, multicomponent and carefully thought out, they can’t give one hundred percent guarantees of successful fertilization and further trouble-free fetus development.