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Home Robotergestützter totaler Knieersatz MAKOplasty

Robotergestützter totaler Knieersatz MAKOplasty

Hochwertiger totaler Knieersatz durch Robotertechnik

Robotischer Knieersatz in Kliniken im Ausland

Wir möchten, dass Sie Ihre Schmerzen und Beschwerden loswerden, indem wir die Möglichkeit haben, mit Hilfe der neuesten Robotermechanismen eine vollständige Arthroplastik durchzuführen. Unser Team bietet Dienstleistungen für die Organisation dieser Operationen in Kliniken im Ausland an.

Das Gesamtpaket umfasst Folgendes:

  • transfer vom Flughafen zum Krankenhaus und zum Hotel;
  • professionelle Übersetzer und Koordinatoren;
  • qualifiziertes medizinisches Personal und medizinische Einrichtungen auf höchstem Niveau;
  • hochwertige Therapie;
  • die auf die Bedürfnisse des Patienten abgestimmt ist;
  • innovative Ausrüstung und hochmoderne Mechanismen.

Benefits of MACOPlasty. Why do we recommend knee replacement surgery abroad?

  • Specialists can determine the most accurate size of prosthesis and its placement for patients even before starting operation at the planning stage.
  • Bone sections are carried out as accurately and flawlessly as possible in terms of their quality, while without the use of conventional cutting blocks during the operation.
  • Achievement of perfect joint balance.
  • Durable and more reliable joint structure due to the achievement of absolute harmony.
  • Fixation of the movable gap in the joint in its natural state.
  • Possibility to preserve and not damage healthy tissues and bone structures as much as possible.
  • Less time needed to stay in hospital and quick returning to normal life.

Vorteile von Robotergestützter totaler Knieersatz MAKOplasty

Cost of the package is less for foreigners.
The price already includes registration of the patient in the clinic, selection of a specialist, implantation and physiotherapy procedures – postoperative physiotherapy rehabilitation in 2 weeks.
In foreign clinics, minimally invasive methods for knee replacement are mainly used.
Individual selection of prostheses.
Experienced specialists who perform more than 200 operations annually.
Low level of possible complications.
Clean rooms in clinics: it helps to reduce risks of contracting infections.
Accompanying person may be in the same room with the patient – this is acceptable in most foreign clinics.
